Materials Laboratories of the Future: Instrumentation and Infrastructure to Accelerate the Unification of the Materials Innovation Infrastructure

NSF Workshop on Future Scientific Instruments for Alloys, Amorphous, and Composite Materials Research

November 7-8, 2022

The University of Chicago

David Rubenstein Forum

Drs. Shirley Meng (UoC), Andrew Minor (UCB & LBNL) and Sarbajit Banerjee (TAMU) are organizing a workshop at the University of Chicago’s Rubenstein Forum on November 7-8th to identify the critical gaps, essential needs, and emerging opportunities in instrumentation and infrastructure required to keep the US at the forefront of Alloys, Amorphous and Composite materials research. This is one of the three such workshops in a series entitled “Materials Laboratories of the Future: Instrumentation and Infrastructure to Accelerate the Unification of the Materials Innovation Infrastructure” sponsored by NSF DMR.

In alignment with the Materials Genome Initiative, our workshop seeks to develop a vision for Materials Laboratories of the Future, chart a roadmap for realizing this vision, identify technical bottlenecks and barriers to access, and propose pathways to equitable and democratic access to integrated toolsets in a manner that addresses urgent societal needs, accelerates technological innovation, and enhances US manufacturing competitiveness.

Alloys, amorphous and composite materials encompass a massive design space where causal relationships between compositional/structural degrees of freedom and the resulting properties are complex. Our workshop will address key challenges in accelerating the unification of the Material Innovation Infrastructure and materials discovery. The workshop will establish the foundations for a community-driven roadmap for instrumentation, infrastructure, data, and software, as well as the related workforce development in alloys, amorphous, and composite materials.

This workshop will engage a modest number of researchers representing a broad cross-section of the materials community over one and half days to identify existing limitations and frame new opportunities to advance the state of knowledge in alloys, amorphous and composite materials. The workshops will also consider the training requirements of the next generation of scientists and engineers in this area.

We would welcome your participation in the workshop and invite you to submit an application to attend. Please complete the online application using this link if you would like to participate in the workshop. If you do not plan to attend but would like to communicate your thoughts on the subject, please complete our short survey here.

Materials Laboratories of the Future: Instrumentation and Infrastructure to Accelerate the Unification of the Materials Innovation Infrastructure

NSF Workshop on Future Scientific Instruments for Alloys, Amorphous, and Composite Materials Research

Monday, November 7, 2022

[8:30 AM] — [9:00 AM] [Welcome, Introduction, and Scope of Workshop: What are we seeking to accomplish?] [All participants]
[9:00 AM] — [9:45 AM] [Brief Introduction of Participants] [All Participants]
[9:45 AM] — [10:30 AM] [Lodestar Talk 1 + Discussions] [All Participants]
[10:30 AM] — [11:00 AM] [Coffee Break] [All Participants]
[11:00 AM] — [12:00 PM]

1. Integrating Infrastructure & Instrumentation in Materials Laboratories of the Future: Embedding AI/ML in Closed-Loop Make, Measure, Model Cycles

2. Bridging Length and Time Scales in Modeling and Measurement

[Two Breakout Groups]
[12:00 PM] — [12:30 PM] [Report out of breakout groups] [All Participants]
[12:30 PM] — [1:30 PM] [Lunch] [All Participants]
[1.30 PM] — [2:15 PM] [Lodestar Talk 2 + Discussions] [All Participants]
[2:15 PM] — [3:15 PM]

1. Interrogating Dynamical Transformations of Materials in Functional Environments and Far from Equilibrium

2. Atom-Precise Assembly Across Length Scales

[Two Breakout Groups]
[3:15 PM] — [3:45 PM] [Report out of breakout groups] [All Participants]
[3:45 PM] — [4:00 PM] [Coffee Break] [All Participants]
[4:00 PM] — [5:30 PM]

Reads, Needs, Leads, and Impedes

-Four breakout groups across the themes – identification of key literature, critical gaps, opportunities, and bottlenecks

Facilitated Discussions with Note-taking

[Four separate breakout groups]
[6:30 PM] — [8:30 PM] [Workshop Dinner] [All Participants]

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

[8:30 AM] — [9:15 AM] [Lodestar Talk 3+ Discussions: Democratizing Access] [All participants]
[9:15 AM] — [10:15 AM]

1. Workforce Development Needs

2. Equitable and Inclusive Access to Instrumentation and Infrastructure

[Two Breakout Groups]
[10:15 AM] — [10:30 AM] [Coffee Break] [All Participants]
[10:30 AM] — [11:00 AM] [Report out by Break-out Groups] [All Participants]
[11:00 AM] — [11:30 AM] Science Highlight Talks: (1) Next-Generation Alloy Design, (2) Porous Materials, (3) Disordered and Composite Materials [Three Parallel Sessions]
[11:30 AM] — [12:30 PM] Science questions and emerging opportunities in material classes, distinctive requirements and commonalities with other material classes [Three Breakout Groups]
[12:30 PM] — [1:30 PM] [Lunch] [All Participants]
[1.30 PM] — [3:00 PM] [Compilation of Report] [Co-chairs, advisory board members, facilitators, note-takers]

Workshop Location

David Rubenstein Forum at the University of Chicago

1201 E 60th St

Chicago, IL 60637


The Study

1227 E 60th St

Chicago, IL 60637

Use this link to book at a discounted rate:

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