Evie Shockley
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Evie Shockley is the author of three books of poetry, semiautomatic (Wesleyan UP, 2017), the new black (Wesleyan UP, 2011) and a half-red sea (Carolina Wren Press, 2006), and two chapbooks, 31 words * prose poems (Belladonna* Books, 2007) and The Gorgon Goddess (Carolina Wren Press, 2001). the new black won the 2012 Hurston/Wright Legacy Award in Poetry and was also recognized by Library Journal as one of the Best Books of 2011 in Poetry and by the BCALA as a 2012 Honor Book in Poetry. Her poems have appeared as well in numerous journals and anthologies, including The Nation, TriQuarterly Online, qarrtsiluni, Brilliant Corners, Mandorla, Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry, Home is Where: An Anthology of African American Poets from the Carolinas, and New America. Her honors additionally include the 2012 Holmes National Poetry Prize, a Leo Maitland Fellowship from the Millay Colony for the Arts in 2011, and residencies from Hedgebrook and MacDowell. From 2007-2011, she co-edited jubilat; in 2007, she guest-edited a special issue of MiPOesias (called “~QUEST~”) that features contemporary African American poets. Shockley currently serves as creative editor on the Feminist Studies editorial collective and as a contributing or advisory editor to Evening Will Come, a monthly journal of poetics; Lemon Hound; Backbone Press; Carolina Wren Press; and At Length.