Terri Francis is associate professor in the School of Communication at the University of Miami and the author ofJosephineBaker’sCinematicPrism(Indiana University Press, 2021).Francis isa2022AndyWarholFoundationArtsWritersGranteeforherforthcomingbookMakethat Art!:KevinJeromeEverson’sBodyofWork.Her art writing has appeared in exhibition catalogs as well as the publicationsMubi Notebook,AnotherGaze,Bitch,Seen,Revue Initiales: Joséphine BakerDirectedbyWomen,Lithub,Salon, andShadowandAct. Her writing about black performance, film, and the conundrums of black representation has been featured in the academic journalsFilmHistory,BlackCamera,Transition,FeministMediaHistories,ASAP, andFilmQuarterly. From 2017–21 Francis directed the Black Film Center & Archive at Indiana University and secured the donation of African filmmaker Paulin Soumanou Vieyra’s written archive in addition to curating several film series, includingRaceSwap,BlackSun/White MoonandLove!I’minLove!, and hosting several speakers series.Francis is a frequent guest speaker and panel moderator,and shedelivered the 2021Rajiv Vaidya Memorial Lecture for the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.With Betsy Stirratt she co–curated and published the catalog for the film installationRoughandUnequal:AFilmbyKevinJeromeEverson.As a member of the editorial board oftheJournalofCinemaandMediaStudies, Francis edited the open–access dossierFilmProgrammingasSocialJusticeWorkintheWakeofCovid–19, featuring essays fromaprogrammers, platform founders, and writersabout their work during the summer of 2020.