SOSC Writer

Evidently, It is Clear to Note

When I was a college student at UChicago, I often wrote SOSC papers in which I began sentences with “Evidently,” or “It is clear that…”.  Such cues were a way to emphasize what I thought was important and obvious about my claims. Naturally, I thought my claims were...

The Zero Draft

Your paper is due in 72 hours. You can choose between ten prompts, you don’t like any of them, the difference between the mode of production and the means of production eludes you, and you don’t know where to start. If you trick yourself into believing you must sit...

Unlearning the Five-Paragraph Essay

A student recently came to my office hours with a paper that had overlong paragraphs. When we discussed the unfocused nature of the paragraphs, her rationale for the length of her paragraphs was interesting. She explained that when she received the prompt, she...