Successful Pathways Research Grantees
The Successful Pathways research program grantees include both distinguished faculty members and emerging scholars, whose projects bring a range of disciplinary perspectives to answering questions that span the life course. Taken together, this body of scholarship will enable a deeper understanding of how to support disadvantaged youth at critical junctures on their varied pathways from school to work.
Field-Initiated Faculty Projects
2019 Grantees
1) John Easton: Gender Gaps in High School Course Grades: Exploring a New Source of Information
2) Susan Levine, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Steve Raudenbush: Getting on Track Early for School Success
Scaling Up an Assessment-Instruction System for Preschool Math, Oral Language & Literacy
2018 Grantees
2017 Grantees
1) Anjali Adukia, Kyung Park: Safety and School Police Presence: Educational, Behavior, and Crime Outcomes
3) Susan Goldin-Meadow, Susan Levine. Home Language Influences on High School Readiness
4) Micere Keels. Trauma-Responsive Educational Practices: CPS-TREP Project Collaborative
2013 Grantees
5) Derek Neal, Robert Goerge. The University of Chicago Pathways to Adulthood Data Enclave (UC-PADE)
7) Lindsey Richland, Leslie Beller, Angela Cobb. Assessing 21st-century competencies for urban youth
12) Dana Suskind. The Thirty Million Words Newborn Public Health Initiative
Field-Initiated Pre-Doctoral Projects
2023 Grantees
2022 Grantees
2) Jasmine Lu: Developing skills and tools to facilitate reusing electronic equipment
2019 Grantees
2) Mariana Laverde Quintero: Racial Differences in Public School Assignment: The case of Boston
3) Madeleine Oswald: The Effectiveness of Using Touch-Screens to Improve Early Math Learning
2018 Grantees
2017 Grantees
2015 Grantees
1) Hysesang Chang, Julianne Herts. Reducing the link between math anxiety and low math achievement
2) Nicole Beechum: Exploring Academic Engagement For African American Boys Following the Transition to High School
3) Nolan Pope: The Multidimensional Impact of Teachers on Students
2014 Grantees
2) Andres Hojman. Analyzing the Long-term Effects of Early Childhood Interventions
2013 Grantees
2) Russell Bittman. The Determinants of Market School Structure
3) Marshall Jean. Can You “Work your Way up?” Examining the Relationship between Ability Grouping and Student Learning Behaviors
4) Tim Kautz. Evaluation of Chicago’s OneGoal Program
5) Kafi Moragne-Patterson. Examining College Choice & Match among High-Performing African American Students in Two Urban High Schools
6) Nolan Pope. The Marginal Effect of K-12 ESL Programs: Evidence from Los Angeles Schools
7) Christien Tompkins. A New Kind of Labor: The Work of Teaching in New Orleans Charter Schools