Micere Keels, Shunit Reiter, Dalia Sachs, Naomi Schreuer, & Yonat Yzvori: A Future Oriented Occupational Intervention for Re-Engaging Students Placed At-Risk for Drop-Out Proposal for a Collaborative Bi-National Project

This proposed intervention and evaluation is the initiation of a bi-national collaboration to translate and expand the Successful Pathways to Employment for youth at Risk (SUPER) program that was originally developed in Israel. Two of the factors that heighten the risk for drop-out are a low level of future orientation related to occupational aspirations and a low level of interest motivation for classroom instruction. School-based interventions are needed to proactively support a substantial sub-population of youth placed at-risk for poor educational outcomes who can benefit from a transition to work and career-oriented intervention that enables these youth to have interconnected school and career-oriented experiences. Consistent with advances in thinking about supporting students who are disengaged from school, through a future oriented occupational framework we will target improving students’ high school experiences and attachment to school, as well as their sense of purpose for completing high school by making it relevant for their future aspirations. The intervention will (1) utilize internship experiences to build students’ workplace knowledge and competencies; (2) provide a classroom component focusing on developing a strong career focused future orientation and self-efficacy; and (3) reengaging students in school through developing a career focused high school graduation and beyond educational plan. The intervention will be implemented among 40 students in 2 schools in Israel and 50 students in 2 schools in Chicago.

Micere Keels
Comparative Human Development

Shunit Reiter
University of Haifa, Israel

Dalia Sachs
University of Haifa, Israel

Naomi Schreuer
University of Haifa, Israel

Yonat Ivzori
University of Haifa, Israel