Computer Coding Fellowship Grant
Beginning in the summer of 2022, the HMSO will launch a new program focused on computer coding as a pathway to success. The Milgrom Computer Coding Fellowship will focus on helping improve the lives of disadvantaged youth in Chicago and their opportunities for successful employment by developing their computer coding and programming skills. The HMSO will give grants to University of Chicago organizations to enable them to provide an opportunity to local high school students to learn to code. We are now soliciting proposals from interested campus entities.
Proposals for the new Milgrom program should provide youth in the Southside or other Chicago neighborhoods with tangible and portable computer coding skills that will be valuable to gaining employment in today’s economy. By also drawing on the existing talent and expertise of University of Chicago undergraduates as mentors and trainers for the high school participants, we hope to involve a cadre of future leaders that are engaged in direct action to improve urban education and its outcomes. Grantees will receive funding to design and implement a program (or expand an existing program).
The 2022 application deadline for the program has passed.