The Survey Lab's Dual Misson


  • To provide high-quality data collection and consulting services to our clients, including academic researchers, university administrators, government agencies and nonprofit organizations


  • To create classroom and hands-on training opportunities in data collection for graduate students and other members of the University community

How we can help you

As research methodologists, our focus is on the important details that define quality data collection. Our goal is to ask better questions – from refining big research questions to making informed decisions about specific aspects of design and implementation. You are the subject matter expert. We focus on methodology. Our work can be tailored to include the Survey Lab at virtually any degree of involvement at different stages of the research process.

What makes us different

We are flexible and accessible. The Survey Lab’s smaller size enables us to customize our approach to your research question, using flexible designs that adjust to field conditions. Our short chain of command ensures that clients work directly with experienced and qualified staff who are directly involved at every phase of the project. Our work also benefits from the exceptional energy and insight of University of Chicago graduate and college students who come to the Lab for hands-on training in research methods.

Data and information confidentiality

We take great care to protect the data we collect. All research projects at the Survey Lab are cleared through the Social Sciences Institutional Review Board. Survey Lab staff are trained in the protection of participant rights and confidentiality. We employ many types of information technology, but in each IT environment, we have multiple tiers of password-protected access. Click here for a copy of our Statement of Professional Ethics and Pledge of Confidentiality and here for a description of our data security policies.