Group News
06/08/2023: The manuscript titled “An Engineered Hypercompact CRISPR-Cas12f System with Boosted Gene-Editing Activity” has been accepted by Nature Chemical Biology. Congrats to all authors from the Tang lab, and the Zhao lab.
03/07/2023: The First Reaction titled “Smoking-Related DNA Alkylation Events Are Mapped at Single-Nucleotide Resolution” in ACS Central Science is now online.
01/02/2023: The first manuscript of the Tang lab has been published on Nature Biotechnology. Congratulations to all authors from the Tang lab, the Chen lab, and the He lab.
10/18/22: Weixin receives the Packard Fellowship. Congrats!
12/6/21: Alvin Huang and Siyuan Zou join the lab as graduate students.
11/5/21 Dr. Lei Liu joins the lab as a postdoctoral research associate.
9/23/21: Weixin receives the NIH NIBIB Trailblazer Award together with Prof. Jueqi Chen. Congrats to both!
5/20/21: Weixin is named Searle Scholar. Congrats!
2/1/2021: Emily He, Yuan Wu, and Olivia Pura join the lab as graduate students.
12/1/2020: Dr. Haoyan Wang joins the lab as a postdoctoral research associate.
10/1/2020: Dr. Tong Wu joins the lab as a joint postdoctoral research associate (co-advised by Prof. Chuan He).
3/1/2020: Dr. Hao Yan joins the lab as a postdoctoral research associate.
2/1/2020: Allison Brink joins the lab as a graduate student.
12/1/2019: Steven Xu joins the lab as an undergraduate student.
11/1/2019: Our first wet lab experiment was carried out.
10/1/2019: Dr. Yulan Xiao joins the lab as a postdoctoral research associate.
6/1/2019: Dr. Weixin Tang receives the Neubauer Family Assistant Professorship.