Artistic Project: Within the Collectiveness of Loneliness, Are We Really Alone?
Public Event: Live project presentation with Q&A
Thursday, May 14th 6:30pm (CST) — Zoom link here
Biographical Statement
Hi! My name is Anna and I am a fourth-year Economics major and TAPS minor. I am originally from the suburbs of Chicago, but my family recently moved to a small mountain town in Crested Butte, Colorado. In my spare time, I enjoy skiing, watching crime shows, and reading poetry.
Artistic Statement
For my thesis project, I created a collective poetry piece based on a collection of responses to a specific prompt: tell me about a time you felt alone. Through my project, I hope to illustrate the underlying irony of the concept of loneliness. Specifically, I wanted to artistically demonstrate the paradox that since everyone feels lonely at times, no one is truly ever alone in experiencing those feelings.
Originally, I planned to install my project in a quiet hallway in the Logan Center on campus. However, due to the circumstances, I created a virtual representation, with guided audio, of what I planned to create.
Artistic Project
Within the collectiveness of loneliness, are we really alone_