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Testing adaptation using “ancestralized” transgenic animals

Nature Ecology and Evolution published our paper, “Experimental test and refutation of a classic case of molecular adaptation in Drosophila melanogaster.” Led by graduate student Mo Siddiq, the paper reports on the first experiments on transgenic animals carrying reconstructed ancestral genes.  Mo used this… Continue Reading →

Congratulations to Professor Carrie Olson-Manning

Carrie Olson-Manning has opened her own lab as an Assistant Professor at Augustana University, one of the Midwest’s highest-ranked colleges. Carrie will continue her awesome research on the evolution of biochemical pathways.  While a postdoc in our lab, she worked on… Continue Reading →

Science News on evolutionary biochemistry

This Science News feature story  on ancestral reconstruction and  evolutionary biochemistry features our lab’s work, as well as that of the Harms, Bloom, and Theobald labs.    

New paper (and NY Times story) on the evolution of organized multicellularity

eLife published our paper,  “Evolution of an ancient protein function involved in organized multicellularity in animals,” and the brilliant Carl Zimmer covered it in a nice article in the New York Times.  The paper discusses the evolution of a new protein function… Continue Reading →

Nature paper on Evolutionary Contingency

Nature published “Evolutionary Contingency and its Biophysical Basis in Glucocorticoid Receptor Evolution,” by Mike Harms and Joe. The paper is the culmination of a huge amount of work by Mike at the bench and at the computer. It directly addresses… Continue Reading →

Two articles in Scientific American

Scientific American ran two great articles recently that discuss our work. The first, “The Surprising Origins of Evolutionary Complexity, by Carl Zimmer, focuses on the evolution of complexity by neutral processes. The second, “Evolution is an Opportunist” by Wynne Parry,… Continue Reading →

New paper in PNAS

Our paper, “Biophysics of large-effect mutations in steroid hormone receptor evolution,” with UO lab members Mike Harms and Geeta Eick as lead authors, was published in PNAS. The paper is here , and the UO press release is here.

Symposium on the Functional Synthesis at SMBE

The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution sponsored a full-day symposium, “Molecular Mechanisms of Functional Evolution” on July 10 at its annual meeting in Chicago.   Organized by Joe Thornton and Vinny Lynch, the symposium featured great talks from 14… Continue Reading →

Congratulations to Mike Harms, new Assistant Professor, University of Oregon!

Postdoc Mike Harms has accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Institute for Molecular Biology and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oregon. Mike’s website is here.

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