
10/10: Stranger in Paradise (2016), documentary screening (no pre-circulated paper)
Please, note a change of location: we will meet at 5621 S University Ave.
10/24: Usama Rafi, PhD Candidate in History, UChicago
11/14: Mark Kettler, postdoctoral Fellow at the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, University of Notre Dame, “What Paul Rohrbach Actually Learned in Africa”
11/28: Michael Geyer, Professor Emeritus, UChicago, “Men in Tights: Uniforms and Changing Cultures of Masculinity”
12/5: Arthur Clement, PhD Candidate in History, UChicago

1/16: Charlie Fawell, “Floating Fortress, Mobile Frontier”

1/30: Claire Roosien, “I Dress in Silk and Velvet”

3/7 at 4:30pm: Alice Goff, “Uncertain Saints”

4/3: Misha Appeltova, “Did the Body Have a Cold War?”

4/17: Kara Peruccio, “Anxiety of Age”

5/1: Ilana McQuinn, “Writing Jewish Experiences”

5/29: Caroline Sequin, “The Colonial Madam”

6/6: Natalie Smith, “The Making of Modern Marseille”