The Triple Helix at UChicago

The Spectrum

The Spectrum is the Triple Helix’s science blog. Every quarter, we guide a team of writers and editors through the process of producing timely, creative, original, and accurate commentaries, articles, and/or editorials on issues that are most relevant for the scientific, political, and social climate of our time. 

Here you can find The Spectrum’s articles about recent scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and opinions on science in society.

Superbugs: an IM-MRSA Guide

Superbugs: an IM-MRSA Guide

By Tania, Winter 2022. When walking into the first lecture of a new quarter, a student does not typically expect to be greeted with the professor’s biggest fear listed at the top of the syllabus. Yet students in Organic Chemistry this quarter got more than they...

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Energy Dependency: Examining our Power

Energy Dependency: Examining our Power

By Tania Pena Reyes, Spring 2021. It was in the not-too-distant past that the state of Texas encountered one of its biggest winter storms in history. I had the honor of being one of the millions of Texans who lost power during this disaster. I was lucky: my family...

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The Telehealth Explosion

The Telehealth Explosion

By Sam Rydberg-Cox, Spring 2021. As the global COVID-19 pandemic consumed every aspect of our lives, it also catalyzed the expansion of technological advances. Telehealth has exploded, and if you follow the money, it seems as though these advances are here to stay....

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Childhood brain development

Childhood brain development

By Omar Kassem, Spring 2021.  Brain development and maturation are modulated by an interaction between environmental conditions and genes. Early childhood is a critical period of brain development, which renders it highly vulnerable to disorganizing environmental...

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The Difficult Search for Life After Death

The Difficult Search for Life After Death

By Corinne Stonebraker, Winter 2021. So much of our day-to-day lives are consumed by just that–our lives. The content of our conscious human experience is contained within the 80 or so years we spend as living beings. However, regardless of your belief about what...

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