Launch of the Center to Eliminate Cancer Inequity – February 16, 2024

The anniversary is an auspicious time to announce the launch of the Center to Eliminate Cancer Inequity. Led by Jasmin Tiro, MD, the Center will take the lead on transformative research that addresses biological, social, and structural factors driving cancer disparities. The launch will feature an exciting keynote speech by Otis Brawley, MD, UChicago alumnus and renowned cancer disparities researcher.

ASCO Reception – May 31, 2024

During the annual ASCO meeting, the premier scientific conference for oncology professionals, UChicago Medicine will host a reception for colleagues, trainees, friends and honored guests. This year’s ASCO reception will be livelier than usual as we plan additional fanfare to celebrate the 50th Anniversary milestone that includes inviting additional alumni as well as previous UCCCC directors.

10th Annual Educational Symposium – August 2, 2024
The UCCCC is marking 10 years of exceptional research training programs for high school students and educators as well as undergraduate students. A summer-long research experience culminates with an educational symposium where the newest generation of cancer specialists showcase the results of their laboratory research through poster sessions and presentations. The keynote speaker for this year’s symposium is Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, Director of the National Cancer Institute.
Community-Facing Events – dates not yet finalized
The UCCCC is planning several community-facing events to create excitement about UCCCC scientific discoveries that have positively impacted the health of communities in Chicago. We are planning to have a bigger presence at the 3rd annual Southside Science Festival and will work with other partners throughout the year to spread the message on what communities should know/do to improve their health and achieve cancer health equity.
Pathway to Exceptional Members Retreat – September 17, 2024
This retreat will update UCCCC members on new initiatives, including the NCI Cancer Center Support Grant renewal, progress on the strategic plan and the new cancer pavilion. The day will stimulate new collaborations among clinical, basic, and population researchers within the UCCCC as well as include participation by students.
A Century of Progress and Promise in Cancer – November 1, 2024

How far have we come in 50 years? What does the next 50 hold? To close out the year of celebrations, the UCCCC will hold an event for faculty, staff and trainees to reflect on the progress we have made in 50 years and predict how the fight against cancer will have evolved after another 50 years of UCCCC committed effort. Inspirational leaders will speak about promising areas of cancer research, prevention, and treatment and the potential of national endeavors such as the Cancer Moonshot Initiative and the National Cancer Plan.

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