University of Chicago COMputational Biology Outreach

Introduction to computational biology workshops for middle and high school students


Cracking the Genetic Code

Target Grade/Subject Level: Middle School Science

Learning objectives

By the end of this class, students will be able to: 

  • Identity how genes affect traits
  • Explain how DNA codes for proteins
  • Explain why computational tools are needed for solving genomics problems

Link to slides

Link to student coding workbook

Link to student worksheet

Link to associated learning standards

Genotypes and Phenotypes

Target Grade/Subject Level: High School Biology or Statistics

Learning objectives

By the end of this class, students will be able to: 

  • Describe what a complex trait is 
  • Describe how genetic variation can impact traits
  • Use linear regression to correlate traits with genotypes
  • Create and interpret a graphic of their analysis 
  • Explain why computational tools are needed for solving genomics problems

Link to student coding workbook

Link to Introduction to Computational Biology Slides

Link to GWAS slides

Link to student worksheet

Link to associated learning standards

Triage Activity 

Target Grade/Subject level: High School Math or Statistics

Learning objectives

By the end of this class, students will be able to:

  • Describe how statistics can be used model real world events
  • Describe how computers can be used to randomly simulate events
  • Create and interpret graphics of their analysis
  • Explain why statistical and computational tools are needed to model problems in medicine

Link to slides

Link to coding notebook


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