Virtual Chicago Spotlight: Art Institute

We know that many of our incoming and current UChicago students and affiliates are unable to explore Chicago at the moment. That’s why every Friday this summer, we will showcase a Chicago cultural icon. This week, it’s the The Art Institute of Chicago:

“The Art Institute of Chicago is a world-renowned art museum housing one of the largest permanent collections in the United States. An encyclopedic museum, the Art Institute collects, preserves, and displays works in every medium from all cultures and historical periods as well as hosts special exhibitions. With a collection of more than 260,000 artworks and artifacts, the museum has particularly strong holdings in Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painting, early twentieth-century European painting and sculpture, contemporary art, Japanese prints, and photography.”

Explore their stories, collections, and take a tour here:

When you get to Chicago, which of the Art Institute’s exhibits do you most want to visit, and why? Tell us in the comments!

2 responses

  1. Oh my god, I can see A Sunday on La Grande Jatte in person when I arrive at Chicago! I should definitely write it on my Chicago must-do list. 🙂 Thank you this information is really helpful!

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