Exhibits by Elijah Perkins


Elijah Perkins is a third-year student in the college studying South Asian Languages and Civilizations and English. He has been folding origami for around the last 7 or so years. His exhibit displays some of the most technical models he has ever folded, not only to showcase his work but also the limitless possibilities of origami. Many of the works here were folded over two years ago, the shrimp by Yagob being his earliest folded, and the collection of leaves being his latest. As his skills have grown over time, he has learned to appreciate simplicity in design. His favorite models are by no means the hardest ones he has folded – for example, the Simple Dragon by Shuki Kato shown in the collection. Its simplicity in the grander scheme of things allows much more flexibility when adding the artist’s personal flair. Origami can be as complex as imaginable; there is no limit to how many spikes or scales one can add, but eventually, it gets to a point where the artistry is lost. Elijah believes that creating art that is complex enough to be beautiful yet simple enough to be folded by everyone should be the goal of many origami artists.

Instagram: @origami.orange
