
Submission Guidelines

The Chicago Journal of History, the University of Chicago’s undergraduate journal for research in history and related fields in the social sciences and humanities, is accepting submissions for the upcoming Spring 2020 edition. The Journal’s mission is to provide not only an opportunity for printed and online publication, but also a forum for dedicated undergraduate students of history and related fields from across the country to exchange ideas and share their intellectual passion. The Journal publishes biannually; each issue contains 5-7 original articles selected from a large pool of qualified submissions. All submissions are reviewed rigorously, and selected pieces undergo a collaborative editing process prior to publication.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. The Chicago Journal of History does not impose any particular thematic restrictions on its contributing authors. Submissions may engage any geographic area or thematic content, and adopt any methodological or disciplinary approach, so long as the paper engages with a particular historical topic and its associated historiography.
  2. The editorial board evaluates submissions by their originality, rigor, and style. We welcome papers written for lectures or seminars and work produced through independent research, as well as B.A. theses.
  3. Submissions must be between 15 and 40 double-spaced pages in length, including citations.
  4. Papers should be submitted to in an MS Word or Google Doc attachment (document title: “LastnameFirstinitial_CJH”). The subject line of the email should contain the author’s full name and the title of the submission. PDF is acceptable if the author does not have access to either Word or Google Doc.
  5. Citations must be formatted using the Chicago Manual of Style notes and bibliography system (for those unfamiliar, please consult the Chicago Manual of Style Quick Guide). Submissions lacking complete citations will be returned unread.
  6. Papers must be submitted by February 18th, 2020, 12:00 PM CST in order to be considered for the Spring 2020 issue.
  7. For more information about the journal and to read our previous issues, please visit our website (note that due to technical issues, some of the more recent work is instead hosted at [that’s this site!]).
  8. Feel free to contact the editorial board at with any particular questions concerning potential submissions.

Contact Us

For any questions, please email