Autumn 2012 Schedule

CSS Workshop

Schedule of Presenters


Workshops held on Tuesdays, 12:00-1:15

222 Pick Hall


Fall Quarter

10/4, 12:00 Informal gathering of student presenters and faculty sponsors


10/9 Derek Hyra, Virginia Tech, Associate Professor

The Back-to-the-City Movement: Neighborhood Redevelopment and Processes of Political and Cultural Displacement


10/16 Terry Clark, University of Chicago, Professor

Scenes in Chicago


10/23 Stephen Edward McMillin, University of Chicago, Doctoral Candidate

Knowledge Transfer in a Statewide Training Network for Paraprofessional Home Visitors


10/30 Jack Lesniewski, University of Chicago, Doctoral Candidate

Spaces of Regulation, Places of Contention: A Spatial Analysis of the Direct Actions of a Workers Center


11/6 Ben Merriman, University of Chicago, Doctoral Candidate

What is a Geographic Scale?


11/13 Desiree Fields, Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Doctoral Candidate

Financialization and Urban Space: Predatory Equity, Rent Relations, and Community Practice in New York City


11/20 No meeting


11/27 Lizzy Kate Gray, University of Chicago, Doctoral Candidate

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