
Photo by Jean Lachat



Hello, and welcome to my new web page. Like many other web pages, this one is always under construction. Feel free to browse around, and if you  like it, send me an email.

I am a Research Professor in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Chicago. My work deals mainly with numerical simulations of various facets of the Interstellar Medium – supernovae and supernova remnants, winds, bubbles and shock waves. I study and model the radio, X-ray and gamma-ray emission from these and other objects. If you want to view my work in detail, click Research.

I have been involved in a few press releases. You can view them here.

Although research is my main avocation, I have also taught a few courses. I enjoy giving popular level talks and communicating astronomy to a non-scientific audience. I have given talks at Chicago Astronomical Societies and at various undergraduate institutions. I used to be a frequent speaker at the Adler Planetarium, as part of the Astro Conversations series.

I have had the pleasure of supervising several students, mostly from U Chicago, but also some from other institutions. This is an excellent introduction to frontline research for 2nd and 3rd year students, and I have also had first year undergraduates doing research with me. You can read more about my teaching and  students.

I think it is important that students start learning science, and learning to appreciate science and mathematics, from a young age. For this to happen, it is important that science and the scientific method be taught in middle and high schools, at an appropriate level without dumbing it down. In order to achieve this I have collaborated with several groups, but mainly with Don York and his group. You can read about some of our projects here.