We are excited to share our spring quarter calendar. Like in the autumn and winter, we will have to conduct all sessions virtually via Zoom. Unless otherwise marked out, all VMPEA meetings will take place on Wednesdays from 4:45 pm to 6:45 pm (CDT). The individual meeting link will be sent out along with detailed talk abstract via VMPEA lists and website one week before the talk for registration.
We look forward to seeing you via Zoom and hope you will share this with all who might also be interested in joining our community. Please direct questions and inquiries to Yifan Zou (yifanzou@uchicago.edu) and Minori Egashira (egashiram@uchicago.edu).
Hope you are staying safe and healthy!
Yifan + Minori
VMPEA Graduate Student Coordinators 2020-21
*Apr 9 (Friday), 4:45 pm – 6:45 pm CDT
Speaker: Boyoung Chang (Postdoctoral Fellow East Asian Art, Department of Art History)
Discussant: Saena Ryu Dozier
Title: Faraway, so close: North Korea in Contemporary Visual Culture
Apr 21
Speaker: Zhenru Zhou (PhD candidate, Department of Art History)
Discussant: Katherine Tsiang (Associate Director, Center for the Art of East Asia Chinese Art)
Title: Anarchitectonic Pagoda Images from Late-medieval Dunhuang
*May 7, 12pm CDT* (note Friday and noon time)
Speaker: Wang Lianming (Assistant Professor of Chinese Art History, Heidelberg University)
Discussant: Yin Wu (PhD candidate, Department of Art History)
Title: Revisiting the Jesuit Gardens in Eighteenth-Century Beijing
May 12 & 19 (Qualifying Papers)
*Collaboration with the RAVE Workshop (https://voices.uchicago.edu/researchartvisualevidence/)
Session One (May 12)
Jenny Harris (PhD student, Department of Art History)
Title: Worlds of Wire: Ruth Asawa’s Sculpture
Li Jiang (PhD student, Department of Art History)
Title: Replicating Death: The Gold Funerary Mask of Princess of the State of Chen (1018)
Stephanie Strother (PhD student, Department of Art History)
Title: “Fashionable Things”: The Designs and Designers of the Atelier Martine
Session Two (May 19)
Lex Ladge (PhD student, Department of Art History)
Title: Hieronian Impositions: Space and Policy in 3rd Century BCE Syracuse
Adriana Obiols Roca (PhD student, Department of Art History)
Title: Mesótica II: Central American Art After “Latin America”
Lucien Sun (PhD student, Department of Art History)
Title: A Print in Flux: Rethinking the Print of Guan Yu from Khara-Khoto
June 2
Speaker: Sooa Im McCormick (Curator of Korean Art, Cleveland Museum of Art)
Discussant: Yoon-Jee Choi (PhD student, Department of Art History)
Title: Korean Paper, a Trendy Item in Late Ming Literati Circle