Author Archives: dmreher

Friday June 6th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Ana Sanchez-Rojo presents “Madrid, 1787: music for the theater and public opinion.

Friday June 6th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Ana Sanchez-Rojo, Ph D. candidate in Music History, presents “Madrid, 1787: music for the theater and public opinion.


In this dissertation I will argue that performance and criticism of theater music in Madrid  formed a vital part of the boom in what Jürgen Habermas has defined as the “sphere” of public opinion in the last two decades of the eighteenth century.



Protected: Mohammad Ballan presents “Re-Imagining ‘al-Ghālib bi-llāh’ in Late 14th-Century Granada: Muḥammad ibn al-Aḥmar (d.1273) and the Construction of Naṣrid Dynastic Legitimacy in Ibn al-Khatib’s al-Iḥāṭah fī Akhbār Gharnāṭah and al-Lamḥah al-Badrīyyah fī al-Dawlah al-Naṣrīyyah.”

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Spring Quarter Schedule

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of our faculty sponsors, Professors Robert Kendrick and Niall Atkinson, it is our pleasure to announce the Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop schedule for the Spring quarter 2014.  All meetings will be held in Wieboldt 207 at the time indicated on the schedule.


Friday April 4th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Anatole Upart, Ph D. student in Art History, presents “’Unus sed tricolor’: Zyrowice, SS. Sergio e Bacco and a Belarusian Madonna in Rome.”

Friday May 2nd at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Mari Jo Velasco, Ph D. student in Music History, presents her dissertation proposal, “Moving Mountains: Music of Spiritual Renewal in the French Pyrénées, 1780-1830.”


Friday May 9th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Katrina Powers, Ph D. student in Romance Languages, presents her dissertation proposal, “‘El no querer no es culpa’: Biblical and Ovidian Images in Golden Age Spanish Tales of Unrequited Love”


Friday May 16th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Sarah E. Christopher Faggioli, Ph D. candidate in Romance Languages, present the fourth chapter of her dissertation, entitled “Rinaldo Corso’s 1543 Commentary on Vittoria Colonna’s poetry: a Spiritual Canzoniere”

Friday May 30th at 2:00 in Wieboldt 207–Mohammad Ballan, Ph D. candidate in History, presents “Zafadola Amicus Mei”: Vassalage, Friendship and the Construction of Imperial Sovereignty in the Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris (ca. 1148)

Friday June 6th at 12:00 in Wieboldt 207–Ana Sanchez-Rojo, Ph D. candidate in Music History, presents TBA



We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!




David Reher, Jose Estrada, and Medardo Rosario

Graduate Student Coordinators

Western Mediterranean Culture Workshop


PS: Those requiring assistance to attend these events should contact the Graduate Student Coordinator David Reher at