Winter 2009
Friday, January 30. Bernard McGinn (Professor Emeritus of Historical Theology and of the History of Christianity, The Divinity School, University of Chicago), on “Miguel de Molinos: A Theological Reappraisal.”
Friday, February 13, noon. Iva Olah (graduate student, Art History, University of Chicago), on “Memory, magic, and magi: the ars memoria in late fifteenth-century Italian print culture.”
Friday, February 13. 4 pm. WB 408. José Antonio Rodríguez Garrido (Profesor principal de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú), on “El teatro cortesano en la Lima colonial: recepción y prácticas escénicas.”
Friday, February 20. Jorge Abril Sánchez (graduate student, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago), on “Don Quixote as a hueste antigua: A Pastoral Wild Hunt Leading to the Underworld.”
Friday, February 27. Jean Balsamo (Professor of French Literature, Université de Reims), on “Three French travellers in Malta (1588-1616).”
Wednesday, March 11. Shawn Keener (graduate student, Music, University of Chicago), on “The giustiniana as everyday practice: male conviviality in Venetian life,” a chapter from her dissertation entitled “The giustinianaphenomenon and Venetian cultural memory, 1400-1600.”
Fall 2008
Wednesday, October 8 at 5:30 pm. Marco Arnaudo (Assistant Professor of Italian, Indiana University-Bloomington), on “Reading the Invisible Text: Accetto, Pallavicino, Machiavelli.” Co-sponsored by the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.
Friday, October 10. Martha Feldman (Professor of Music, University of Chicago), on “Castrato De Luxe: Blood, Gifts, and Goods.”
Friday, October 24. Enrique García Santo-Tomás (Professor of Spanish, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor), on “Galileo in Spain: Science and Fiction(s).”
Friday, November 14. Jennifer Haraguchi (graduate student, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago), on “Theater and Mortification for Rich and Poor Girls in Seventeenth-Century Florence.”
Friday, December 5. Rivi Handler-Spitz (graduate student, Comparative Literature, University of Chicago), on “Unsteady Signification in Social and Material Life: Clothing, Money, and Books,” a chapter from her dissertation entitled “Diversity, Deception, and Discernment in the Late Sixteenth Century: A Comparative Study of Li Zhi’s A Book to Burn and Montaigne’s Essays.” Co-sponsored by the Workshop on Literature and Cultural History in Pre-Modern East Asia.