These are three definitions of homosexuality, homosexualism, and homosexual provided by a Christian website called Christian Reformed Church (
Their definitions
Homosexuality: a condition of personal identity in which a person is sexually oriented toward persons of the same sex.
Homosexualism: explicit and overt homosexual practice.
Homosexual: a person who has erotic attractions for members of the same sex and who may or may not actually engage in homosexualism.
My definitions
Homosexuality: an identity assumed by individuals who are sexually and/or romantically attracted to members of the same sex.
Explanation: The word “condition” implies that homosexuality can be likened to disease or serious impairment. It also implies that homosexuality can be treated or cured. Additionally, one can use the label of homosexual to describe their romantic attraction to the same sex as well as their sexual one.
Homosexualism: the practice of homosexuality
Explanation: I believe that this term is just a less useful synonym for homosexuality, but if it is to be used, nothing about the word homosexualism denotes acts that are “explicit” or “overt.”
Homosexual: a person who is attracted to members of the same sex and/or gender
Explanation: I feel as though this definition provided by Christian Reform Church is the least problematic of these definitions as it is fairly neutral and recognizes that one can assume a certain identity without participating in certain acts. However, I believe that this part of the definition was not necessary. Also, I believe that the term “erotic” is quite inappopriate here, as it implies that a homosexual person is a highly sexual being.
While I believe that these definitions from a Christian website defined homosexuals/homsexuality correctly in some capacity, I believe that whomever wrote these definitions completely left out the identity factor of homosexuality and instead focused on the sexual parts. I believe this is because while the Catholic Church does not prohibit homosexual identity, it does restrict any homosexual acts. Therefore, by attaching sex acts as a necessary component of the definitions, sex acts and identity are inevitably being linked, and perpetuating the sin of homosexuality.