Wikipedia Page on the Rust Belt:
“From 1987 to 1999, the US stock market went into stratospheric rise, and this continued to pull wealthy foreign money into US banks, which biased the exchange rate against manufactured goods. Related issues include the decline of the iron and steel industry, the movement of manufacturing to the southeastern states with their lower labor costs,[9] the layoffs due to the rise of automation in industrial processes, the decreased need for labor in making steel products, new organizational methods such as just-in-time manufacturing which allowed factories to maintain production with fewer workers, the internationalization of American business, and the liberalization of foreign trade policies due to globalization.[10] Cities struggling with these conditions shared several difficulties, including population loss, lack of education, declining tax revenues, high unemployment and crime, drugs, swelling welfare rolls, deficit spending, and poor municipal credit ratings….Francis Fukuyama considers the social and cultural consequences of deindustrialization and manufacturing decline that turned a former thriving Factory Belt into a Rust Belt as a part of a bigger transitional trend that he called the Great Disruption:[35] “People associate the information age with the advent of the Internet in the 1990s, but the shift from the industrial era started more than a generation earlier, with the deindustrialization of the Rust Belt in the United States and comparable movements away from manufacturing in other industrialized countries. … The decline is readily measurable in statistics on crime, fatherless children, broken trust, reduced opportunities for and outcomes from education, and the like”.[36]“
A Coal Miner’s Morning.
Some might call my life simple. Fuck me, though, I wouldn’t say that. I wake up, and before I’ve even made my goddamn coffee I’m attacked by questions I got for myself. Do I give Greg the money to fix his trailer? Even when I know damn well he’ll waste it and lose it and ask me again in 3 weeks? He’s family. But handouts don’t do him no good. They don’t do nobody no good. I outta make him come out stripping with me. Stripping land for coal, that is, ladies. Don’t get too excited! Ha.
Aw hell. Little Jaylee is already up. 5:30 AM. That rascal. “What do you want, you cute little monster? You want some of Daddy’s coffee don’t you, you fucking crazy child. ”
Of course she’s already hanging from my arm like a little monkey. Fucking Simone Biles type little girl really. Her arms are bigger than her 24 year old big brother’s. He ain’t do shit though, since he moved in with Monica. Got weak. His fuckin baby sister pulls more of her own weight.
“Hell Jaylee, look at me. Speak back to your daddy. Do you want some coffee little one? Some breakfast? Go wake up your mama.”
Damn kid’ll run away and won’t come back till it’s 11 AM and she’s screaming and crying for some goddamn cocoa puffs. Kid knows what she wants. Can’t fucking talk. 5 years old, can’t fucking talk but she knows what she wants and she gets it still. Little rascal.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the sexiest women I’ve ever seen. Come here mama give me a kiss. I think Jaylee wants some breakfast. Don’t know why that kid won’t ever fucking sleep.”
“Gracie needs a leotard or some shit, Cor”
“What the hell do you mean a leotard? Like a onesie? Fucking get her one then I guess. This is for that dance shit at church?”
“Yea and she says she need’m today for practice, babe. Otherwise she can’t go and she’ll be breaking your heart again crying. I gotta go to Walmart. Do you think your sister could cover my shift at the diner?”
“Hell Stayce, you can’t just be asking Sandra to do this. She got her own job selling that makeup shit and she don’t owe us nothing. Nobody got time to drive an hour to fucking Walmart for a fucking leotard. Go up to Papa’s cabin and see if he got some shit or something in the attic. Hell if I know just don’t go to fucking Altoona for a fucking 6 year old’s dance shit”
“Babe please. I just wanna give my little girl something. She’s so sad. All the fucking time. ”
“Hell Stayce I know you’re gunna do what you fucking want. Just go. Here’s some cash. Have the truck back when I’m done working. Pick up some of that sauce shit too. Tim and I are hunting this weekend and he wants to make Jerky for little Jimbo’s birthday party. Kid fucking loves deer jerky.”
Fuckin Stayce. She ain’t gunna come back with no leotard. Cash’ll be gone though. Fuckin handouts. Don’t do nobody no good.
Process Notes
I wrote this piece in the voice of my uncle. He’s a coal miner in Western Pennsylvania—a place most deem part of the “Rust Belt”—and an avid Trump supporter, as are the rest of my relatives there. I wanted to capture some of the everyday things he thinks about and the ways in which he is a caring and good father, as well as the motivation for some of his (very strongly held) political beliefs. I was worried the tone might seem exaggerated, but I really tried to write everything exactly as he’d say it. I definitely read it in his voice when I go through it. I wanted to capture the sound of his accent (which to me sounds almost southern), in the way that Keene’s had captured Carmel’s voice by writing out her journal entries. It was not hard to write this counter-history as I was essentially writing around the gossip and drama my mom tells me about her siblings. It was an interesting exercise to step into his mind, because usually when I talk to friends about him (or about most of my extended family), it comes much more from a place of shame and disgust. I think it could be interesting in an expanded version to somehow include my own voice in this narrative. Maybe I could be telling a friend about the crazy things he says and does, or how stereotypically Pennsylvania he is.