Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
The Tang Lab believes that diversity is critical to foster discovery and we actively engage DEI activities. Professor Tang is the chair of cancer research community building committee, which sponsors activities to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
DEI engagement
We engage on diverse DEI activities including community engagement, book club discussion, sharing DEI books, DEI-related museum group visits, and BLACK-RX. Below are offices at The University of Chicago relevant to DEI missions.
U of Chicago Office of the Provost Diversity and Inclusion
DEI Book Discussion
The Ben-May Department for Cancer Research and the Committee of Cancer Biology have been collaborating with the University of Chicago Biological Science Division Diversity Office and the University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center to organize various DEI-related book club discussions. We have also addressed current issues such as the rise of anti-Asian hatred during COVID-19 pandemic.
DEI book library
We’ve created a shared library of DEI-focused book resources (located at GCIS W424) and continue to add books to this book nook. Please borrow them but make sure to return the book when you are done so that others can enjoy. While there is no hard time-limit to keep the book, the general rule is to keep it only up to one month. You may share your thought in the card included inside the back of the book if you like. Donation is encouraged and please reach out to Wei-Jen Tang when you add them to the library. Donors are encouraged to include a blurb about what they appreciated about these books. We’re always looking for suggestions what to add.
Museum Visit Events
The DEI subcommittee of CCB has organized several cultural appreciation events. These typically include a guided museum tour showcasing the stories of underrepresented communities in science, a cultural event, and delicious food!
BlackRx Conversation Series
BlackRx is an ongoing series of recorded conversations between DuSable Black History Museum representatives and cancer experts in the UChicago Medical community, aimed at understanding the disparate impact that cancer has on black communities.