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A selection of health news from the University of Chicago and around the globe curated just for you.

Gut bacteria protects against food allergies
New research from UChicago’s Cathryn Nagler shows that healthy infants have intestinal bacteria that prevent the development of food allergies. (Discover magazine)

Looking for links between the gut microbiome and eye disease
UChicago researcher Dimitra Skondra is studying possible connections between the gut microbiome and eye disease like age-related macular degeneration. (The Forefront)

What is ulcerative colitis and how can I treat it?
The chronic condition can be debilitating, but treatments are expanding and improving. David Rubin featured. (US News & World Report)

Our pets: The key to the obesity crisis?
Even animals that aren’t eating too much or exercising too little are getting fat. If we can figure out why, we may have the key to our own obesity crisis – and how to stop it. (BBC Future)

Antibacterial stuff is giving dust drug resistance
An antimicrobial chemical called triclosan is abundant in dust—and linked to changes in its genetic makeup, according to a new study. The result is dust with organisms that could cause an antibiotic-resistant infection. (Futurity)