Spring 2018 Schedule

We’re excited to announce our programming for the remainder of spring quarter. Meetings are held 4:30-5:30 in Classics 110 on alternating Mondays.

April 16th: Narrativizing the Anthropocene: David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas as an Environmental Novel

Karen Siu, MAPH

April 30th: A Surprise Party for Félix Guattari’s 88th Birthday/ Hexennacht: A Discussion of Cosmic Horror, Chaosmosis, and SF

(NB: Due to a prior commitment, Félix Guattari will not be able to attend. However, there will be witches.)

Party Planners: Samantha Pelligrino, Ph.D. student, Islamic Studies & Cody Jones, Ph.D. student, Comparative Literature and R.L.V.C.

May 14th: Guided reading of Anna Kavan’s Ice.

Rebecca Raphael, Professor of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Texas State University

TUESDAY, May 29th: Fantasies of American Masculinity in Shapeshifter Romance Novels [official title forthcoming]

Hannah Burnett, Ph.D. student, Anthropology & Isabeau Dasho, MAPH

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