My Friend’s Pants-Making
My friend likes to sew pants. He’s just a beginner, but he’s made at least one functional pair so far.
Started with big fabric
Works on the roof MEasures self with measuring tape–>marks on fabric but doesn’t have right materials Gets sunburnt on roof Supposed to work off of pattern Thin fabric for summery pants Make the front and back, sew along inseam and outseam (?) Crotch is the hardest part–>drawstring or zipper? Using room/roof as a workshop Needs pants more than shirts right now Starts projects around finals, sewing machine happened to be one Pants more difficult than shirts bc of crotch Refuses to watch tutorials, wants to learn as he goes Called the sewing machine “too nice for me” |
Fabric looks kinda gross
“More legit way” See-through pants not a good idea Look like long johns Crotch looked weird on his first pants Room kind of a mess Classic procrastinating Seems like just creative messing around Difficult to get a sense of geography from the camera Mostly struck by the fact that he makes the pants for fun more than anything else No real explanation for why pants over anything else, just that he needs more pants |
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