In my week 4 write-up, I interviewed one of my friends about his poster of Zayn Malik. We got to talking about our mutual interest in One Direction, which blossomed into a conversation about fandom, community, and identity. For my final project, I intend to further explore the emergence of personal identity and a sense of belonging brought about by participation in fanbases primarily in online spaces while keeping in mind that fandom communities can often extend into offline spaces. I think integrating multimedia in my analysis will work particularly well because of the large-scale existence of fandom communities online and the reach that these groups have. I anticipate that there will be a large amount of information to work with and I will have to be conscious of this as I compile media to be used in my final project.

To make use of multiple forms of media, I intend to use WordPress. This platform will allow me to add in video, photo, audio, and more in an organized, easy-to-follow manner. I will be gathering media mostly from social media sites like Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram, as well as engaging with YouTube and other potential sites for fan interaction. I am hoping to include media from a number of different fan communities, from ones that I have had contact with to ones that I may not have looked into before. I am interested in larger fan bases associated with groups like One Direction and BTS as well as smaller fan bases for less well-known artists because the kinds of communities formed can take on very different shapes. I hope to again be able to draw on my own experiences, including using a small amount of media that I have produced while participating deeply in several fandom communities as archival material. I also want to interview a couple of my friends who I know have experience in fandoms as well to learn more about what role being a fan played in the development of their identities and the kinds of communities they were part of.

I have not yet set up an early version of my WordPress website because I cannot decide what I want the domain name to be, but I have started sorting through some of my own created content. Here is an example of something I produced in the offline world as a result of my participation in an online community:

A picture of a drawing of One Direction lyrics that I traced from a Pinterest image