All posts by tremblay

Autumn 2016 Schedule

Ecology, Geography, Politics

All events will be held at 12pm, unless otherwise noted. Location will be announced a week prior to each event, and will be indicated on the website.

Monday, October 3 (Week 2)
Rebecca Oh, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Chicago
“Climate on the Ground: Environmental Justice and Climate Change in Global South Literature”

Tuesday, October 18 (Week 4) at 6:30pm
Informal tour of the show, “The Making of a Fugitive,” at the Museum of Contemporary Art (220 E Chicago Ave)
Graduate student experts: Rachel Kyne, Carmen Merport, and Brandon Truett
*Free entrance with U of C student ID

Monday, October 31 (Week 6)
Nell Pach, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Chicago
“Everything Unspeaks: Narrating Animals and Animal Narrative in Ulysses

Monday, November 14 (Week 8)
Brady Smith, Humanities Teaching Fellow, University of Chicago
“Africa in/and the Anthropocene”

Monday, November 28 (Week 10)
Jean-Thomas Tremblay, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Chicago
“Political Breathing: Somatics of Feminist Coalition”

Wednesday, December 7 (Week 11)
Monique Allewaert, Associate Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Insect Semiotics: Toward an Atlantic Aesthetics”
Presented in collaboration with the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Cultures Workshop