Category Archives: Past Events

Autumn 2016 Schedule

Ecology, Geography, Politics

All events will be held at 12pm, unless otherwise noted. Location will be announced a week prior to each event, and will be indicated on the website.

Monday, October 3 (Week 2)
Rebecca Oh, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Chicago
“Climate on the Ground: Environmental Justice and Climate Change in Global South Literature”

Tuesday, October 18 (Week 4) at 6:30pm
Informal tour of the show, “The Making of a Fugitive,” at the Museum of Contemporary Art (220 E Chicago Ave)
Graduate student experts: Rachel Kyne, Carmen Merport, and Brandon Truett
*Free entrance with U of C student ID

Monday, October 31 (Week 6)
Nell Pach, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Chicago
“Everything Unspeaks: Narrating Animals and Animal Narrative in Ulysses

Monday, November 14 (Week 8)
Brady Smith, Humanities Teaching Fellow, University of Chicago
“Africa in/and the Anthropocene”

Monday, November 28 (Week 10)
Jean-Thomas Tremblay, Ph.D. Candidate in English, University of Chicago
“Political Breathing: Somatics of Feminist Coalition”

Wednesday, December 7 (Week 11)
Monique Allewaert, Associate Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Insect Semiotics: Toward an Atlantic Aesthetics”
Presented in collaboration with the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Cultures Workshop


The 20th and 21st Century Workshop (C20/21), sponsored by the Council on Advanced Studies, provides a space for graduate students and faculty from any division or department at the University of Chicago to discuss and present works-in-progress that engage with aesthetic objects or social and theoretical questions within any context from the previous century to the present.  C20/21 launched in fall 2015 as a merger of the previous Post-1945 and Modernisms Workshops.

In the 2016-17 academic year, C20/21 is co-coordinated by Nell Pach and Jean-Thomas Tremblay and sponsored by Professors Rachel Galvin (English), Patrick Jagoda (English), and Alison James (RLL).

To help facilitate conversations across the disciplinary breadth we cover, each quarter collects its workshop papers under a common theme.  The theme for Autumn 2016 is “Ecology, Geography, Politics.”

You may join our listserv here.