Category Archives: Uncategorized

Timothy Gutmann, May 31, 2021

The 20th & 21st Century Cultures Workshop is pleased to welcome:

 Timothy Gutmann

Lecturer and PhD, Divinity, University of Chicago

Specters of Liberalism: Prospects for Postcolonialism and the Left

Monday, May 31 from 3 pm-4:20pm on Zoom

with respondent Christopher Taylor (Associate Professor, English, University of Chicago)

Tim’s paper (to be read in advance) and Zoom meeting info can be found here. The paper is password-protected; please contact the workshop coordinators if you need access. If you join our subscriber list, you will receive passwords for upcoming events in our event announcement emails.

This event is free and open to the public. We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Please direct any questions and concerns to the workshop coordinator, Zachary Hope (

Taylor Lowe, May 17, 2021

The 20th & 21st Century Cultures Workshop is pleased to welcome:

 Taylor Lowe

PhD Candidate, Anthropology, University of Chicago

The Designification of Representation: Drawing Lines between Graft & Craft in the Architecture of Thailand’s Interregna

Monday, May 17 from 3 pm-4:20pm on Zoom

with respondent Rebecca Zorach (Mary Jane Crowe Professor in Art and Art History, Northwestern University)

Taylor’s paper (to be read in advance) and Zoom meeting info can be found here. The paper is password-protected; please contact the workshop coordinators if you need access. If you join our subscriber list, you will receive passwords for upcoming events in our event announcement emails.

This event is free and open to the public. We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Please direct any questions and concerns to the workshop coordinator, Zachary Hope (

Jordan Pruett, May 3, 2021

The 20th & 21st Century Cultures Workshop is pleased to welcome:

 Jordan Pruett

PhD Candidate, English, University of Chicago

The Mass Market Hardcover: A Quantitative Literary History

Monday, May 3 from 3 pm-4:20pm on Zoom

with respondent Hoyt Long (Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago)

Jordan’s paper (to be read in advance) and Zoom meeting info can be found here. The paper is password-protected; please contact the workshop coordinators if you need access. If you join our subscriber list, you will receive passwords for upcoming events in our event announcement emails.

This event is free and open to the public. We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Please direct any questions and concerns to the 20th and 21st Century Cultures Workshop coordinators, Zachary Hope ( and Zoe Hughes (

Anna Gatdula Materials

Click here for Anna’s paper.

Zachary Hope is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Anna Gatdula at 20th and 21st Century Cultures Workshop
Time: Apr 19, 2021 02:40 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Anna Gatdula, April 19, 2021

The 20th & 21st Century Cultures Workshop is pleased to welcome:

 Anna Gatdula

PhD Candidate, Music History and Theory, University of Chicago

Einstein on the Beach and the Nuclear Event

Monday, April 19 from 2:40pm-4:00pm on Zoom

(please note the slightly different time, as Anna’s workshop will begin and end 20 minutes earlier than usual)

with respondent Jessica Hurley (Assistant Professor, English, George Mason University)

(Note: Anna has kindly provided a cover letter that guides readers to the most important parts of her paper, and will allow you to come prepared to the workshop should you have as little as 15–20 minutes available in advance.)

Anna’s paper (to be read in advance) and Zoom meeting info can be found here. The paper is password-protected; please contact the workshop coordinators if you need access. If you join our subscriber list, you will receive passwords for upcoming events in our event announcement emails.

This event is free and open to the public. We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Please direct any questions and concerns to the 20th and 21st Century Cultures Workshop coordinators, Zachary Hope ( and Zoe Hughes (

Kenyatta Forbes, April 5, 2021

The 20th & 21st Century Cultures Workshop and the Race and Pedagogy Working Group are pleased to welcome:

Kenyatta Forbes

to discuss

Trading Races

With Patrick Jagoda (Professor of English, University of Chicago)


Ashlyn Sparrow (Learning Technology Director and Lead Game Designer at the University of Chicago’s Game Changer Chicago Design Lab, Creative Director at Resilient Games Studio)

Monday, April 5 from 3:00pm-4:30pm on Zoom

The “pre-reading” for this event includes educational guides and a short video, all of these (and Zoom links!) can be found here. The 20th & 21st Century Cultures Workshop and Race and Pedagogy Working Group are also pleased to be able to offer a number of complimentary copies of Trading Races to people who are planning on attending the event and are interested in studying and/or playing with the cards in advance. If you would like to be considered to receive a free deck of cards, please email on or before Thursday, March 25. Please note that the cards cannot be mailed to home addresses, and must be picked up on campus the week of March 29. People who are chosen to receive a copy of Trading Races will receive an email with detailed information about pick-up on Friday, March 26.

The materials are password-protected; please contact the workshop coordinators if you need access. If you join our subscriber list, you will receive passwords for this and upcoming events in our event announcement emails.

This event is free and open to the public. We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Please direct any questions and concerns to the 20th and 21st Century Cultures Workshop coordinators, Zachary Hope ( and Zoe Hughes (