

  1. Stress-activated Constraints in Dense Suspension RheologyA Singh, GL Jackson, M van der Naald, JJ de Pablo, HM Jaeger.
  2. “Continuous shear-thickening enhances shear-induced diffusion of soft frictional particles: One-to-one relations between shear viscosity and diffusivity” S Yamanaka, A Singh, K Saitoh
  3. Leveraging the polymer glass transition to access thermally-switchable shear jamming suspension” C Chen, M van der Naald, A Singh, ND Dolinski, GL Jackson, HM Jaeger, SJ Rowan, JJ de Pablo
  4. A contact model for sticking of adhesive mesoscopic particlesA. Singh, V. Magnanimo, S. Luding.

Peer-reviewed publications

  1. Shear stress dependence of force networks in 3D dense suspensions
    L. E Edens, E. G Alvarado, A. Singh, J. F Morris, G. K Schenter, J. Chun, Soft Matter 17 (32), 7476 7486
  2. Shear Thickening and Jamming of Dense Suspensions: The “Roll” of FrictionA. Singh, C. Ness, R. Seto, J. J de Pablo, H. M Jaeger; Physical Review Letters 124, 248005 (2020). Featured at MERSEC research highlights
  3. Fluctuations at the onset of discontinuous shear thickening in a suspension” O. Sedes, A. Singh, J. F Morris; Journal of Rheology 64(2), 309-319 (2020)
  4.  “Stress fluctuations and shear thickening in dense granular suspensions” Q. Xu, A. Singh, H. M Jaeger; Journal of Rheology 64(2), 321-328 (2020)
  5. Investigating the nature of discontinuous shear thickening: Beyond a mean-field description” J. Thomas, A. Goyal, D. S Bedi, A. Singh, E. del Gado, B. Chakraborty; Journal of Rheology 64(2), 329-341 (2020)
  6. Interaction network analysis in shear thickening suspensions” M. Gameiro, A. Singh, L. Kondic, K. Mischaikow, J. F Morris; Physical Review Fluids 5 (3), 034307 (2020).
  7. Structure and dynamics of hydrodynamically interacting finite-size Brownian particles in a spherical cavity: Spheres and cylinders” J. Li, X. Jiang, A. Singh, O. G Heinonen, J. P Hernández-Ortiz, J. J de Pablo; The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (20), 204109 (2020)
  8. Shape induced segregation and anomalous particle transport under spherical confinementA. Singh, J. Li, X. Jiang, J. P Hernández-Ortiz, H. M Jaeger, J. J de Pablo; Physics of Fluids 32 (5), 053307 (2020) Featured Article of the Isssue
  9. Shear jamming and fragility in dense suspensions” R. Seto, A. Singh, B. Chakraborty, M. M Denn, J. F Morris, Granular Matter 21 (3), 82 (2019).
  10. From yielding to shear jamming in a cohesive frictional suspensionA. Singh, S. Pednekar, J. Chun, M. M Denn, J. F Morris, Physical Review Letters 122 (9), 098004 (2019).
  11. Microscopic origin of frictional rheology in dense suspensions: Correlations in force space” J. Thomas, K. Ramola, A. Singh, R. Mari, J. F Morris, B. Chakraborty, Physical Review Letters 121 (12), 128002 (2018). Editors Suggestion
  12. A constitutive model for simple shear of dense frictional suspensionsA. Singh, R. Mari, M. M Denn, J. F Morris; Journal of Rheology 62(2), 457-468 (2018). Featured Article of the Issue, Journal of Rheology Award 2020, Featured at AIP desk during SOR 2018, 2019, 2020
  13. Micro–macro transition and simplified contact models for wet granular materials” S. Roy, A. Singh, S. Luding, T. Weinhart; Computational Particle Mechanics 3(4), 449-462 (2016)
  14. The role of gravity or pressure and contact stiffness in granular rheologyA. Singh, V. Magnanimo, K. Saitoh, S. Luding; New Journal of Physics 17(4), 043028 (2015)
  15. Effect of cohesion on shear banding in quasistatic granular materialsA. Singh, V. Magnanimo, K. Saitoh, S. Luding; Physical Review E 90(2), 022202 2014.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Microstructural description of shear-thickening suspensionsA. Singh, J. F Morris, M. M Denn; Powders & Grains 2017
  2. From particles in steady-state shear bands via micro-macro to macroscopic rheology laws” S. Luding, A. Singh, S. Roy, D. Vescovi, T. Weinhart, V. Magnanimo; International Conference on Discrete Element Methods 2016
  3. Effect of friction on the force distribution in sheared granular materialsA. Singh, V. Magnanimo, S. Luding; Proc. of NUMGE2014, 409-14 2014.
  4. Effect of friction and cohesion on anisotropy in quasi-static granular materials under shearA. Singh, V. Magnanimo, S. Luding; Powders & Grains 2013.
  5. Flow behavior at different shear rates for dry powdersA. Singh, S Luding;  Proceedings of World Congress on Particle Technology WCPT6 2010

Ph. D. thesis