February 2nd @ Noon: Jamie Druckman at the American Politics Workshop

Monday, February 2nd, Jamie Druckman will present at the American Politics Workshop. His talk is titled “Do Politics Hinder Scientific Communication?.”

Science can play a critical role in the making of public policy. Yet, it only does so if it can be effectively communicated to citizens and policy-makers. In this presentation, I demonstrate how three features of the current political environment – media saturation, partisan polarization, and the politicization of science – generate preference formation process that are often deemed undesirable. I then discuss ways in which one can counteract these dynamics; however, I conclude by asking a larger question: what are the criteria for assessing whether the processing of scientific information generates “better” or “worse” preferences?

WHO: Jamie Druckman,Professor in Political Science, Northwestern University
WHEN: February 2nd at Noon
WHERE: Pick Lounge (1st Floor)

We look forward to seeing everyone this Monday February 2nd for Jamie Druckman!

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