Spring 2015 American Politics Workshop Schedule

All workshops held on Mondays from Noon to 1:30pm (Food Provided) Pick Hall, 5828 S. University Avenue, 1st Floor Lounge

April 13th: Judith Torney-Purta, Professor Emerita of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, University of Maryland, College Park

April 27th: Richard L. Hall, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy – University of Michigan

May 11th: Alex Theodoridis, Professor of Political Science, University of California – Merced

May 18th: Jamie Druckman, Department of Political Science, Northwestern University

June 1st: Richard Flores, PhD Student – Political Science, University of Chicago


Papers will be circulated in advance through our email list. To join the workshop email list visit: https://lists.uchicago.edu/web/subscribe/americanpolitics

Additional information about the American Politics Workshop can be found on our website: http://cas.uchicago.edu/workshops/americanpol/

If you have any questions, please contact the workshop coordinators Allen Linton II (alinton@uchicago.edu) and Roberto Carlos (robertfcarlos@uchicago.edu).


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