Monday, April 27, Richard Hall (University of Michigan) will present at the American Politics Workshop. His talk is titled “Revolving Door Lobbyists and the Affordable Care Act.” A link to the paper is presented here: Revolving Door Lobbyists and the ACA – Chicago Workshop – April 2015
Students of democratic institutions have long criticized the “revolving door” that moves government officials into lucrative positions as lobbyists, presumably giving the interest groups that hire them an advantage in the competition for access. The migration is especially common among congressional staff. Critics allege that revolvers gain access by exploiting personal relationships with former employers and co-workers. We argue that their advantage is more general than that. Positioned at the intersection of two policy-relevant networks, revolvers enjoy a comparative advantage in generating political information, but the value of that information to the member, we hypothesize, will be conditional on partisan alignment between member and group. Employer-based relationships and policy knowledge vary too little to explain much of the revolver’s advantage. Analyzing data on access from interviews with lobbyists on the Affordable Care Act, we provide the first direct evidence of a revolver-access relationship.
WHO: Richard Hall, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy – University of Michigan
WHEN: April 27th at Noon
WHERE: Pick Lounge (1st Floor)
Papers will be circulated in advance through our email list. To join the workshop email list visit:
If you have any questions, please contact the workshop coordinators Allen L. Linton II ( and Roberto Carlos (