The workshop convenes on Mondays from Noon to 1:15PM in Pick Hall, 5828 S University Avenue, 1st Floor Lounge (Food Provided).
October 5: Chad Levinson, University of Chicago
Practice Job Talk- The Credibility Cartel: Extra-Governmental Organizations in U.S. National Security Politics
October 19: Professor Eric Oliver, University of Chicago
Enchanted America: Metaphor and Magical Thinking in U.S. Public Opinion
November 2: Professor Tom Clark, Emory University
Title Forthcoming
November 9*: Professor Bernard Fraga, Indiana University
Changing Districts, Changing Turnout: Redistricting and Minority Political Participation
November 16: Alexandra Bass, University of Chicago
Title Forthcoming
November 23: Professor Wendy Rahn, University of Minnesota
Title Forthcoming
December 2**: Professor Dan Hopkins, University of Pennsylvania
The Increasingly United States
* This is tentatively scheduled for now.
** This is a Wednesday; we are taking advantage of the fact that Professor Hopkins is on campus for another function. The time and place is yet to be determined.
Papers will be circulated in advance through our email list. To join the workshop email list visit:
Additional information about the American Politics Workshop can be found on our website:
Individuals with a disability who need assistance please contact either coordinator in advance.
If you have any questions, please contact the workshop coordinators Roberto Carlos ( and Meg Savel (