Ancient Societies Workshop

Dear Ancient Societies Workshop Participants,


Welcome back to Chicago and happy New Year!  We have an exciting schedule of speakers lined up for this quarter continuing the theme “Political Economies.”  All talks are in Classics 21 at 3:30pm.  All talks are on Tuesday, unless noted otherwise.


Jan. 10 – Dr. Eva Mol (Post-Doctoral Fellow, UChicago Classics) – “Making myth real, the agency of objects in Herodotus’ Histories: an archaeological inquiry”


Jan. 24 – Lara Fabian (PhD Student, University of Pennsylvania, Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World) – “Coins, Mints and Mountain Passes: Geospatial Modeling of Numismatic Communities in the South Caucasus”


Feb. 7 – Prof. Brian Muhs (Associate Professor of Egyptology, UChicago NELC) and Dr. Tasha Vorderstrasse (Research Associate, UChicago Oriental Institute) – “The State’s Role in Monetary Circulation in Achaemenid and Hellenistic Egypt and Bactria”


Feb. 14 – Prof. Wouter Henkelman (Maître de conférences ‘Mondes élamites et achéménides,’ École Pratique des Hautes Études) – “The empire at Persepolis: economy, society, religion”


Feb. 23 (Thursday) – Kassandra Jackson Miller (PhD Student, UChicago Program in the Ancient Mediterranean World) – “From Critical Days to Critical Hours: Galenic Refinements of Hippocratic Models”


Feb. 28 – Prof. Jonathan Hall (Phyllis Fay Horton Distinguished Service Professor in the Humanities and Professor in the Departments of History and Classics and the College, UChicago) – “Telesilla and her Afterlife”


Mar. 7 – David Perry (PhD Student, UChicago Program in the Ancient Mediterranean World) – “Classical Impressions of Ancient Law”


I hope to see you all there!



Rhyne King

PhD Student, University of Chicago

Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Ancient Near Eastern History

If you have any questions, you can contact me at rhyne AT