Ancient Societies Workshop

Dear Ancient Societies Workshop,

I hope you have all had a great beginning of the quarter! I’m excited to announce our fantastic line-up of speakers for the Winter quarter. All talks will take place in Classics 21 with a reception to follow.

Tuesday, January 16, 3:30 PM: Nick Venable (University of Chicago), “Failing Bodies and Monastic Endowments: Social Control in Coptic Wills and Donation Papyri.” Co-sponsored by the Early Christianity Workshop

Tuesday, January 30, 3:30 PM: Rhyne King (University of Chicago), “Land, Labor, and Violence in the Persian Empire

Tuesday, February 27, 3:30 PM: Kate Kreindler (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), “Consumption and Connectivity in pre-Roman Italy”

Tuesday, March 6, 6 PM: Jana Mynářová (Charles University, Prague), “Eloquent Words for the Pharao. Perspectives on the Amarna Letters”

I look forward to seeing you all soon and continuing our conversations from last quarter!

All best,

Jordan Johansen

Ph.D. Student, The University of Chicago

Program in the Ancient Mediterranean World

Department of Classics


For any questions or comments, you can contact me at jjohansen AT