Ancient Societies Workshop

From the Formation of anthrôpos in Ancient Greece to its Contemporary Dissolution

François Hartog
Professor Emeritus, Modern & Antique Historiography, EHESS, Paris

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 4:00pm
Room 103, Foster Hall, 1130 E. 59th St.

A much-acclaimed scholar, François Hartog is a French historian and Professor Emeritus of Modern and Antique Historiography at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in Paris. A former student of Jean-Pierre Vernant and assistant to Reinhart Koselleck, Hartog’s early work focused on the intellectual history of ancient Greece and historiography, while his recent work deals mainly with temporality, historicity, and the human condition in recent times. This discussion will be about his forthcoming book, Départager l’humanité, Humains, humanismes, inhumains (Paris: Gallimard, 2025).

A copy of Professor Hartog’s paper may be downloaded here.

Organized by the Department of History, Department of Classics, Franke Institute for the Humanities, and Committee on Environment, Geography and Urbanization

Register here.