Ancient Societies Workshop

Hi everyone,

It is my pleasure to announce the Ancient Societies Workshop schedule for winter quarter. Following the guidelines set by the university, all of these presentations will be hosted virtually on Zoom. If you have any questions, feel free to send me an email (

1/12: Maria Liston (University of Waterloo) “Epidemics and Plagues in Early Byzantine Thebes”

1/26: Debby Sneed (CSU Long Beach) “Disability and Disasters: Differential Experiences of War in Ancient Greece”

2/9: Timothy Clark (University of Chicago) “Parthians in the Flesh: A New Image of the East in the Great Parthian Altar of Lucius Verus at Ephesus”

2/23: Mills McArthur (University of Chicago) “A Forgotten Battle of the Peloponnesian War”

3/9: Amanda Gaggioli (Stanford University) “Deciphering Earthquake Disaster and Resilience in Mediterranean Archeology”

Poster listing the dates and talks

Best wishes,
