Catalan Language Program

Benvinguts al programa de català!

Seminari de Literatura Contemporània: Bel Olid

Aquest dijous (19 de maig) a les 9.30 CST, rebrem la visita virtual de Bel Olid, autori de Vents més salvatges entre d'altres llibres. No us ho perdeu!

The New Politics of Multilingualism: Catalonia, Europe, and Beyond

El dijous vinent (19 de maig) tindrem una xerrada amb el professor visitant de la càtedra Coromines, Peter Kraus, que ens vindrà a parlar de la política multilingüe a Catalunya. Serà a les 16.30 a Wieboldt 408, no us ho perdeu! Heus la descripció de l'acte a sota. The...

Borja Penalba a la Universitat de Chicago

Aquest passat més d'abril (concretament el dia 20), vam tenir el plaer de rebre la visita del cantautor valencià Borja Penalba, que ens regalava un concert de poemes musicats. Va ser un honor poder rebre una figura tan il·lustra de la música valenciana, i ho vam...

About the Program

The Catalan program at the University of Chicago falls under the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. Within the program, students with a prior knowledge of another Romance language can take classes starting at the beginner and intermediate levels. The program also offers classes on Catalan culture in both English and Catalan, touching on topics such as architecture, art, music, and film. Interested students can study Catalan literature and film as well, both on their own and within greater Iberian and European contexts. The program is ideal for preparing students who are looking to study abroad in Barcelona, offering the chance to familiarize themselves with the language and culture before going, or expand on their knowledge after they return.

For students who are especially interested in studying Catalan, the program also offers a minor of six classes in Catalan, as well as a BA in Latin American and Iberian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.

The program also hosts the Joan Coromines Chair for a visiting scholar in Catalan Studies each year, and through this is able to offer a wide variety of classes on topics as diverse as medieval history, modern politics, or polyphonic singing traditions.


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