Catalan Language Program

El dijous vinent (19 de maig) tindrem una xerrada amb el professor visitant de la càtedra Coromines, Peter Kraus, que ens vindrà a parlar de la política multilingüe a Catalunya. Serà a les 16.30 a Wieboldt 408, no us ho perdeu! Heus la descripció de l’acte a sota.

The historical legacy that links state and citizens to only one language seems to be in question by the sociolinguistic tendencies of the present. In Catalonia, as in other areas of Europe, an increasingly complex diversity stems from the juxtaposition and intertwining of autochthonous and immigrant languages. Institutional approaches adopted to productively confront this diversity should follow strategies that generalize multilingual repertoires and set the foundations for a multilingual citizenship.

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