Catalan Language Program


Language Courses

CATA 12200 Catalan for Speakers of Romance Languages I

This course is intended for speakers of other Romance languages to quickly develop competence in spoken and written Catalan. In this introductory course, students learn ways to apply their skills in another Romance language to mastering Catalan by concentrating on the similarities and differences between the two languages.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with a Romance language.
2019-2020 Autumn, Spring


CATA 12300 Catalan for Speakers of Romance Languages II

This course is intended for speakers of other Romance languages to quickly develop competence in spoken and written Catalan. In this intermediate-level course, students learn ways to apply their skills in another Romance language to mastering Catalan by concentrating on the similarities and differences between the two languages. This course offers a rapid review of the basic patterns of the language and expands on the material presented in CATA 12200.

Prerequisites: CATA 11100, CATA 12200 or consent of instructor.
2019-2020 Winter


CATA 21100 Llengua, societat i cultura I

This advanced-level course will focus on speaking and writing skills through the study of a wide variety of contemporary texts and audiovisual materials. It will provide students with a better understanding of contemporary Catalan society. Students will review problematic grammatical structures, write a number of essays, and participate in multiple class debates.

Prerequisites: CATA 11200, CATA 12300 or consent of instructor.
Elga Cremades Cortiella

2019-2020 Autumn


CATA 21200 Llengua, societat i cultura II

This advanced-level course will focus on speaking and writing skills through a wide variety of texts and audiovisual materials. We will study a wide range of Catalan cultural manifestations (e.g, visual arts, music, gastronomy). Students will also review advanced grammatical structures, write a number of essays, and participate in multiple class debates.

Prerequisites: CATA 21100 or consent of instructor.

2019-2020 Spring


Culture Courses

CATA 21400 Languages in the Iberian Peninsula: Multilingualism and Language Ideologies

The course will lead students to explore the situation of the main languages in the Iberian Peninsula from a sociolinguistic perspective (in the wide sense of the word). It will present language diversity in the Iberian Peninsula and lead students to discuss and read about language contact, language planning (including both status and corpus planning), language policy, ideologies and linguistic representations regarding Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Catalan, Occitan, Basque, Aragonese and Asturian.

Crosslistings: SPAN 21401
Prerequisites: None
Elga Cremades Cortiella

2019-2020 Autumn


CATA 21600 Catalan Culture and Society: Art, music and cinema

This course provides an interdisciplinary survey of contemporary Catalonia. We study a wide range of its cultural manifestations (architecture, paintings, music, arts of the body, literature, cinema, gastronomy). Attention is also paid to some sociolinguistic issues, such as the coexistence of Catalan and Spanish, and the standardization of Catalan. Course taught in English.
Crosslistings: SPAN 21610
Prerequisites: None
Elga Cremades Cortiella

2019-2020 Winter


CATA 23333/CATA 33333 Reading Catalan for Research Purposes

This fast-paced course prepares students to read and do research using texts in Catalan. Students will work on grammar, vocabulary and reading skills, and they will also get introduced to some translation strategies. Part of the texts students will work on will be academic texts in their respective areas of research.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with a Romance language is highly recommended

2019-2020 Autumn


CATA 27020/CATA 37020 Christianity and Islam in the Western Mediterranean World during the Late Middle Ages (CANCELED)

El curso analizará los contactos mantenidos entre mundo cristiano y mundo islámico en el Mediterráneo bajomedieval, tomando la Corona de Aragón y sus ricas fuentes documentales como observatorio privilegiado. Las particularidades de la Corona de Aragón se compararán con las de otros estados cristianos del Occidente mediterráneo que mantuvieron relaciones sostenidas con los musulmanes. Tras la definición de la naturaleza y de las especificidades de los contactos político-diplomáticos, mercantiles y pirático-corsarios entre Cristiandad e Islam, las clases se focalizarán en la identificación y caracterización de colectivos y personas que actuaron como mediadores lingüísticos y culturales entre ambas realidades. Se determinarán las circunstancias y motivos que permitieron que agentes diplomáticos, mercaderes, mercenarios, piratas–corsarios o cautivos–esclavos vehicularan los contactos. Y se analizarán y compararán las distintas tipologías documentales que son plasmación de todos esos intercambios y contactos culturales y humanos.

Crosslistings: RLST 27020, SPAN 27020, SPAN 37020
Taught in Spanish
Roser Salicrú i Lluch
2019-2020 Spring


CATA 29220/CATA 39220 Espacio y memoria en el cine español

Through the study of a selection of films and documentaries, this course will provide a critical examination of the history and poetics of cinema in Spain, with particular attention to the relation between the representation of space and the recovery of traumatic memory in contemporary culture.

Crosslistings: BASQ 29220, BASQ 39330, SPAN 29220, SPAN 39220
Taught in Spanish

2019-2020 Winter

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