Dr. Jason Cowell
[developmental psychology and neuroscience]
Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay
Dr. Mikang Kim
[developmental psychology, education and neuroscience]
Human Development, University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Tehila Kogut
[behavioral economics]
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
Dr. Kang Lee
[developmental psychology]
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. John List
[behavioral economics]
Department of Economics, University of Chicago
Dr. Randa Mahasneh
[educational psychology]
Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Dr. Susan Malcolm-Smith
[developmental psychology]
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Dr. Bilge Selçuk
[developmental psychology]
Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Bertil Tungodden
[behavioral economics]
Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway
Dr. Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst
[developmental psychology and neuroscience]
CNRS, Lyon, France
Dr. Zhou Xinyue
[developmental psychology, economics]
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Shi, China
Dr. Li Yi
[developmental social neuroscience]
Peking University, Beijing, China