Currently, we are conducting several projects to examine the development of moral reasoning. We combine EEG and eye-tracking measurements with behavioral tasks that assess sensitivity to fairness, sharing, and social evaluations.
All projects are approved by the University of Chicago IRB.
Children and their parents are compensated for their time.

Frequently Asked Questions for Children with EEG
What if my child becomes fussy during the study?
Your child can stop at any time.
Does my child receive anything for participating?
Your child will receive a gift card from Amazon or Target at the end of the study and a small gift.
Where do we meet?
A research assistant will be waiting for you outside at the entrance on 5848 South University Avenue. She/he will escort you to the Child Neurosuite on the third floor at the building.
What if I need to reschedule my appointment?
Just call the Lab at (773) 702-4661.
Can I bring my other children with me?
You can bring them along with you. We have a nice waiting room with plenty of toys to play with.