September 14th, 9:00am-12:00pm
Saieh Hall for Economics, Room 021
Register by September 11th
The Forum provides a venue for discussing fundamental issues in Core pedagogy. The event begins with a brief welcome and then remarks from the Masters of the Humanities and Social Sciences Collegiate Divisions and the Deputy Dean of Research and Teaching Innovations, followed by Q & A. After a short break, there will be a panel discussion on classroom strategies for Core teaching, focusing on the learning goals and strategies for fostering discussion, sharpening students’ interpretation and argumentation skills, and developing students as writers. While aimed at those new to teaching in the Core, experienced faculty and instructors are most welcome to participate in the conversation. Check-in and coffee and pastries will be available at 8:30.
Check-in; coffee, tea, and pastries available
Welcome & Introduction
- Joe Lampert, Deputy Director, Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning & Senior Lecturer in the College
Aims of the Core
- Emily Lynn Osborn, Deputy Dean of the College for Research and Teaching Innovations & Associate Professor of History and the College
- Howard Nusbaum, Master, Social Sciences Collegiate Division & Stella M. Rowley Professor of Psychology and the College
- Eric Slauter, Master, Humanities Collegiate Division & Associate Professor of English and the College
- Moderator: Jennifer Spruill, Co-Chair, Power, Identity, Resistance & Senior Instructional Professor, Social Sciences Collegiate Division
Classroom Strategies for Core Teaching
- Emily Coit, Assistant Instructional Professor of English and the College
- Samantha Fenno, Chair, Human Being and Citizen & Senior Instructional Professor, Humanities Collegiate Division
- Erin Galgay Walsh, Assistant Professor of New Testament & Early Christian Literature in the Divinity School and the College
- Moderator: Valerie Levan, Senior Instructional Professor, Humanities Collegiate Division & Humanities Core Teaching Coordinator