Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have not held an in-person Incubator session since 2020. We will restart this component of the Incubator in the 23-24 academic year. You can see our 2019 session here.
We invite you to watch our virtual panels below.
Book Salon on “Harassed: Gender, Bodies, and Ethnographic Research”
Featuring Rebecca Hanson (Assistant Professor of Latin American Studies, Sociology and Criminology & Law, University of Florida), author; Patricia Richards (Professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies, University of Georgia), author; Sneha Annavarapu (PhD Candidate in Sociology, The University of Chicago), discussant; Annie Hikido (Assistant Professor of Sociology, Colby College), discussant; Brandon Andrew Robinson (Assistant Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies, University of California, Riverside), discussant; and Kristen Schilt (Associate Professor of Sociology, The University of Chicago), moderator.
Virtual Turns: Doing Ethnography During and Beyond a Pandemic
Understanding the complex processes that create and reinforce social inequalities, discrimination, and oppression in communities across the world has never been more urgent. Yet, with the COVID-19 pandemic, our ability to safely and ethically conduct in-person ethnographic research is limited. In this panel discussion, our speakers – three ethnographers who have pivoted to teach courses on virtual/digital methods – talk through the unique challenges and new opportunities facing qualitative researchers today. Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality, the Ethnography Incubator, the Center for Latin American Studies, and the Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation