UChicago immunologist Cathy Nagler is developing immunotherapies for food allergies.
Work in her lab has launched a company focused on resetting the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut to reduce the danger of foods like peanut butter. (Scientific American and Knowable Magazine)
Dodging the coronavirus is still the primary microbial concern of most Americans.
Chicago epidemiologist Emily Landon’s rules of thumb: outside beats inside, mask better than no mask, smaller groups rather than larger. (National Public Radio)
Maintaining a healthy microbiome during COVID-19 may be more important than ever.
Some clinicians in China have suggested that COVID-19 patients with gastrointestinal symptoms might be experiencing worse outcomes from the virus. (The Conversation and Gut-British Medical Journal)
Statins may work to improve the gut microbiome in patients with obesity.
Statins appear to increase gut diversity and reduce inflammation in these individuals. (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News)
Environmental contaminants strongly influence gut microbiome health.
Scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have linked dozens of chemicals, including bisphenols and phthalates (plastic food packaging); PCBs and perfluorochemicals (nonstick cookware); and pesticides and herbicides, to changes in the gut microbiome and health issues. (Technology Networks)